Friday, January 27, 2012

Effects of E-Readers on the Publishing Industry

Atlantia Press Publishing Logo
E-readers have had a large affect on the book industry. People no longer have to go to a bookstore and walk among the rows and rows of books to find what they want. they can simply go online and order one and it is instantly downloaded to their e-reader. But how is this affecting the publishing industry?

Surprisingly e-readers have actually helped the publishing industry. According to IBISWorld industry analyst Agata Kaczanowska, e-books are costing the publishing companies more to produce but are also helping to establish their businesses online. Studies done by research company IBISWorld show that from 2008-2012 sales of children and young adult books will have gone up.7 percent. Researchers predict the sales rates to keep rising.

Even after this good news for publishers, there are still some problems that are occurring. Publishers have to compete against the self-publishing industry. with all of the technology available today it is much easier for authors to self-publish their own works than ever before.

CGW Publishing Logo
These new technologies are changing the way that the book industry works. According to, Sourcebooks CEO, Dominique Raccah publishers now need to start developing platforms where readers can directly communicate with the authors. Raccah believes that publishers need to be more customer oriented and "offer authors branding and marketing services that writer’s can’t do themselves."

If publishers are able to entice authors to use their services instead of going to the self-publishing method they can continue to increase their profits.

 The romance publishing industry is actually leading the way in the digital world. The romance section of the industry has completely redone its genre by splitting it into over 40 different sub-genres according to Lori James, founder of the online e-book retailer, All Romance.

Arcadia Publishing Logo
Despite the popularity of e-readers researchers have found that many parents are going against the use of e-readers because they feel it is just another screen to look at. This is good news for bookstores who have taken a sales hit since the popularity of the e-reader has risen. This is a problem that bookstores take very seriously. The big bookstores such as Barnes & Noble have nothing to worry about; it is the small non-chain stores that are in danger. Hopefully people will continue to buy the print version of books and not just e-books so small book stores across the country can stay open.

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