Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Starting Line Up...

E-Readers are the new up and coming technology in the book world. But where do you start? How do you figure out which device is the best? There are so many out there and they seem to be constantly updating them.

The two most popular brands are the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble NOOK. In 2011 the 4th generation Kindles were released to the public. There were three new kindles introduced: the Kindle 4, Kindle Touch Reader, and the Kindle Fire Tablet. Barnes & Noble also have three main types of the NOOK. There is the NOOK Simple Touch, NOOK Color, and the NOOK Tablet.

Many of the features on these devices are the same but there are small things that separate them. The most expensive versions of these devices are the Kindle Fire and the NOOK Tablet; this also means that they have the most features and the best quality.

Rakesh Kumar wrote an article comparing these two devices. Kumar stated that both the Kindle Fire and NOOK Tablet are in color, both can stream movies from Netflix or Hulu, and both have the Android market to download apps. The main differences between the two are the clarity of the screen, memory storage, and battery life.
Kindle Fire vs Nook Color

The Kindle Fire has about 7.5 hours of battery and the NOOK Tablet has 9 hours and 15 min. the NOOK Tablet also has 16 GB of storage with another possible 16 with an SD card. The Kindle Fire has only 8 GB of storage. However the Kindle Fire does have better screen clarity than the NOOK Tablet.

The other devices produced by these companies are good products but they lack some the features available on the Kindle Fire and the NOOK Tablet. Other than the NOOK Color the others do not have color screens.

Before purchasing any of these devices it is wise to check out the competitors prices and figure out the features that you want to have. There is no sense in paying two hundred dollars for a Kindle Fire if you only plan to read books. You might as well save yourself the money and buy the Kindle 4. The Kindle 4 is just your basic e-reader; no color screen, basic internet, and a touch keyboard. Make sure you do the research to find what works for you! 

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